How to talk to your teens (or preteens) about sex

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of speaking to about 50 teen and preteen girls about their sexual health. It was part of a local nonprofit’s annual teen summit.  We had a lot of fun – It was 2 hours of the strangest (and most random) set of questions. The only […]

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Wrap-up: National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) Commemoration

February 7 was National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD). Fellow blogger, Sojourner Marable Grimmitt of Married with Two Boys shares her experience. She also interviewed me for a local Atlanta news site. Links and content are included below. Enjoy. *** This week I had the opportunity to attend the “Testing […]

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What you need to know about the new HIV vaccine

Unless you have been living under a rock, or if you have absolutely no concern over your sexual health and wellness (e.g. no sex life) or the sexual health of others, you have certainly heard about some breaking major developments in the world of HIV prevention. While the holy grail […]

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Atlanta is Greater Than AIDS

FCL co-sponsored its second health event, which was held in support of National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) on June 25. I was linked up with a few local organizations since the Spring. My goal: to offer PR and marketing services in support of an event for NHTD and co-sponser events. […]

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Mental health and the modern woman

This has been a heavy week for women – one that is sure to bring the issue of mental health, stress and emotional stability to the forefront. Or at least in a perfect world, it will. Need a recap? Here are 3 of the most press-worthy examples (all from this […]

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The morning after pill – everyday?

I just had to share this article. I have never been a 1-a-day pill advocate. Whether it be vitamins, medication or birth control – I am always inconsistent.  When it comes to birth control, this leaves a tremendous amount of room for error – enough for a 9-month special delivery. […]

Read more reports: Sex is Cheap

Not to beat the ‘Single/Degreed Black Women’ debate to death, but I am really interested in the so-called ‘residual’ effects of all of the relationship dynamics that are dominating our cultural dialogue (insert Steve Harvey book link, recent article from Tracy McMillan, etc. – you get my point).  Has anybody looked […]

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