
I will accept requests for ads and the occasional sponsored post. It is my wish to maintain integrity and authenticity at all times and, therefore, will only support products/services that I can wholeheartedly endorse. If you are a nonprofit or charitable organization in pro bono advertising space, please contact me for possible featured ad space under ‘Get Involved’.

Conference Sponsorships

I believe that conference sponsorships should be mutually beneficial. I bring my health communications background to help you create an effective campaign that will comply with the regulations of any give conference, cause, or public health effort. I am interested in working with and promoting causes and organizations that I can fully endorse. Please contact me for details on how we can create a campaign that will be impactful and give us the greatest reach for our efforts.

Reviews and/or Giveaways

I appreciate working with companies that offer unique, innovative, and high quality products and services. To that end, I welcome personal email pitches regarding products and services that relate to the general interests on this blog (health, lifestyle, education). I will not review nor promote products and services without the opportunity to experience them personally.

If you are a company or a PR rep who would like to have a product reviewed and/or given away at Free Condoms & Lollipops, I welcome an email from you. Please note that note all products received will guarantee a review. I provide objective, authentic, and creative reviews of products and services I can endorse. If the product does not meet my quality standards, I will not review the product.

Brand Relationships & Media Campaigns

As a health communications and social marketing professional, I also consult with companies on communications strategy and campaign development and execution. I am available for short or long-term relationships with companies and brands and look forward to your inquiries in this area. For more information, please visit my professional site, MLP Communications.

If you have any questions or are interested in a fill media kit, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Blog with integrity

Contact Information:

Monica Ponder: