Got Free Condoms and Lollipops?

For every new thing that sticks in today’s culture, there has to be some context – context about why it’s needed, why it’s relevant and why it should stay and remain a part of a community’s culture. Free Condoms and Lollipops may not bring you as much pleasure as your iPhone 4/5/6 or that new iPad 2 that you anxiously waited in line for, but….we’re cool. Trust me.

Here’s why:

My name is Monica. I love to read blogs. I love blogging. I also love health – I am probably the coolest nerd you may ever meet. Seriously. I am a chemist, epidemiologist, professional health communicator and I work for the baddest health organization in the country. So, I did what any health enthusiast that loves blogs would do – I started a health media blog – 3 years ago. Never heard of it or me? I’m not offended – of course you didn’t, because it bored me to death – a slow death to be exact. One where someone had a Keith Sweat track playing on repeat in the background. Yea, that kind. Now, if following health news bored ME of all people, why in the world would I think that it would be interesting to my friends, coworkers, family, and strangers? I failed miserably and was stumped for quite a while.

It took me a while to get it. But, I studied what did work – Entertainment blogs, pop culture, Beyonce, Apple computers, fashion, Louboutins, hair weaves, Facebook, Bishop Eddie Long, and Willow Smith. I get it now. Most people just want to have fun, enjoy life and look good doing it. Unfortunately, prevention (annual check-ups, gynecologist appointments, dental exams, and STD checks) is not as sexy. Right?

What happens, though, is that people aren’t as concerned with their health until something happens. And that ‘something’ is never good or easy. Either they don’t like the way they look and begin to diet. Or, a guy dumped them for a girl with a slightly plumper booty. Or a relative was diagnosed with cancer. Or a high school friend became ill…and died. Then we care.  Even further, the insurance industry has termed 18- to 29-year olds as the young invincibles. Although appearing  youthful and robust, a third of 18- to 29-year-olds are cigarette smokers, a quarter are obese, as the rates among young adults have tripled in the past three decades, and nearly two-thirds of young adults reported not having regular leisure-time physical activity.

Quite simply – people who are healthy tend to take their health for granted. Until it’s too late.

We here at Free Condoms and Lollipops don’t want that to happen – and by ‘we’, I mean the fabulous FC&L blogger team: Chef/Nutritionist Jalil, Personal Trainer Scott, Celebrity Health blogger Dev, Fitness/Wellness blogger Dominique and Relationship blogger Melanie. We want to merge the cool stuff that interests you most with the issues that impact your most precious asset – your health. We’re fresh, hip and healthy and our desire is for you to be as well. Join us.

Source: CNN

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